Saturday, April 17, 2010

Good News & Bad News

The answer is:  All Natural. . . . which is Good News . . . . . and . . . . Bad News!
The Good news is that it IS all natural and the Bad news is that you cannot "patent" a natural substance (like you can a synthetic drug).  That means that the pharmaceutical industry, and most of the medical establishment,  is going to be anti-natural.

Here's another quote from Dr. Cooke's book:  "There is magic within all of us.  It comes in the shape of a molecule known as nitric oxide.  A substance so powerful that it can actually protect you from heart attack and stroke."

I introduced the question in my last post:  " can we make our bodies produce more?"  We've established that our bodies make nitric oxide.  And we know the vital role that nutrition plays in how our bodies function.  Nitric oxide is not a substance we can take by pill . . . . at least not indiscriminately.  A heart patient keeps nitroglycerin tablets nearby for when they feel a problem coming on.  This is basically nitric oxide.  It does the same thing, only it is more drastic than how your body normally manufactures it.

There IS something you can do nutritionally to enhance your body's own production of this miracle molecule!

The essential amino acid, L'Arginine, or simply Arginine, is what enables our arteries to produce nitric oxide. 

Here is a quote from the book entitled "The Arginine Solution", subtitled, "The First Guide to America's New Cardio-Enhancing Supplement" by Robert Fried, Ph.D., & Woodson C. Merrell, M.D. and James Thornton, M.D.   I quote:  "In the field of medicine and health, it is one of the revolutions of our time:  the discovery that the amino acid L-Arginine may be the "magic bullet" for the cardiovascular system."  Drs. Fried, Merrell, and Thornton claim that Arginine:  "opens clogged arteries, reduces the risk of Heart Disease, boosts potency with the natural alternative to Viagra, improves your immune system and more with this "miracle molecule" whose remarkable properties were validated by the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine."                                                                  

L'Arginine is a simple, essential amino acid that is not produced by the body, but that is found in our diet - primarily in red meat.  It is a protein molecule.  We know that red meat is fatty and has cholesterol, and, as a result, many individuals have cut back on their intake of red meat.  Another fact is that L'Arginine is somewhat difficult to break down from the diet.  In fact, we only assimilate about 20% of the L'Arginine that comes from the food we eat.  These facts are probably why, as Dr. John Cooke claims, Amercians are not producing enough nitric oxide in their blood vessels.

The question that many have in regards to L'Arginine, as with other supplements, is"  "Does Arginine interact with prescription medications?"

Can you eat red meat with your prescriptions?

If so, you can take Arginine with it.

L'Arginine is safe to take with:  Cholesterol-lowering drugs, aspirin or anticoagulants, calcium channel blockers, Digitalis or ACE Inhibitors and Beta-Blockers:  all associated with heart conditions.

What you may find is that, over time, taking Arginine may result in your needing less and less of these prescription medications.

It is always a wise thing to ask your physician prior to beginning any supplementation program.  The question to ask is, "Are there any contra-indications in the ingredients in this supplement with the medications I am currently using?"

A few words of caution:

You should never stop taking a prescription medication without your doctor's advice.  Usually, if you are on any kind of maintenance meds, you will need to be weaned off of these.

However, if your doctor is critical of you trying Arginine and working on a plan to wean you off the drugs, you may want to seek a second opinion.

Also!  Avoid nitrate type drugs, such as Nitroglycerin, or take your Arginine at a different time than these.  Avoid Vasculogenic drugs like Viagra for obvious reasons.  You will more than likely find that you do not need these type drugs after taking Arginine.

And, speaking of Viagra, Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, is just another form of cardiovascular disease -- below the belt.  And these quotes attest to that fact:

And that is the . . . . . . Good news & Bad news!