How do our bodies produce nitric oxide?
And what in the world is nitric oxide, anyways?
If it's so good, how can we make our bodies produce more?
Let's examine The Science. In this post we will look at and outline the research and science that supports Nitric Oxide. We'll also look at the nutritional elements L'Arginine and Vitamin D3 in nitric oxide production. Nitric Oxide has been called the "Magic Bullet". Our bodies are obviously the gun because our bodies produce it. But what pulls the trigger?
These three American Scientists won the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine for their discovery of the Nitric Oxide Pathway. The Associated Press reported on October 12, 1998 that they won the prize "for discovering that the body uses nitric oxide gas to make blood vessels relax and widen - a finding that could pay off in treatments for heart disease."
Dr. Louis J. Ignarro wrote his book, "NO More Heart Disease", based on his more than 30 years of research. The "NO" stands for Nitric Oxide but it also stands for NO: meaning NONE. The subtitles on the cover of his book reads: "How Nitric Oxide Can Prevent - Even Reverse - Heart Disease and Strokes" and "A Program for Boosting Production of the Body's Own Wonder Drug."
Dr. Ignarro talks about winning the Nobel Prize and the benefits of L'Arginine
If you click on the link above you will be able to view a video clip of Dr. Ignarro speaking about winning the Nobel Prize and the benefits of L'Arginine on the cardiovascular system once it converts it to Nitric Oxide.
So, just what IS Nitric Oxide, or "NO"?
- It has been named "Molecule of the Year" by Science magazine in 1992.
- It is produced by the endothelial cell linings along 100,000 miles of blood vessels and capillaries in the human body.
- It keeps the blood vessels open, elastic and functioning properly.
- 20,000 articles in medical literature since 1980 attest that "absolutely everything depends on it!"
According to Dr. John Cooke in "The Cardiovascular Cure", "Most Americans are not producing enough "NO" in their blood vessels." If they are not producing enough "NO", then what is going to be the results? If it is what keeps blood vessels elastic, then a lack of it will result in the hardening of those vessels. If it is what causes those vessels to vasodilate, or relax, then a lack will result in constricted vessels. If it is what allows for better blood flow to all parts of the body, then a lack of it will decrease that flow and thus deterioration will occur. Where ever the weakest link in the chain is: whether it's the heart, the lungs, the legs (as with PAD), the kidneys, or elsewhere, that's where the problem is going to be!
I hope you are beginning to get a picture of just how important this little molecule is to your health and, indeed, your life. Maybe you're beginning to understand what in the world is Nitric Oxide!