- Over one million die each year due to heart disease!
- Half of these are women!
- Every 60 seconds someone dies of a heart attack!
- The effect of heart disease is like SEVEN Boeing 747's crashing . . . . . with NO survivors . . . . EVERY DAY!

- Nearly 80 million adults in the United States have Cardiovascular Disease.
- That's one in three!
- Every 36 seconds someone dies of a CVD. . . . .Wait . . . . didn't I say 60 seconds before? That was people who died of HEART ATTACKS. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) includes many things, such as: stroke, hypertension (high blood pressure), and aneurysms, to name just a few.

Did you know that more people die from sudden cardiac death than AIDS (16,000), breast cancer (40,600) AND lung cancer (157,400) ALL combined?!*
- SCD accounts for 300,000 deaths each year - one every 60 seconds!*
- 95% die before reaching the hospital!
- 100,000 ATHLETES die each year from SCD!
- And 60% of youth are at risk for heart disease!
- And you think eating meat is a major cause? Did you know that the most common kind of death with vegetarians is CVD?!
- In fact, Heart Attacks kill more people than the next NINE causes of death COMBINED!

- CHD is the SINGLE largest killer of American males and females!
- EVERY 26 seconds an American will suffer a coronary event and every 60 seconds someone will DIE from one!
- About 38% who experience a coronary attack in a given year WILL DIE FROM IT!
- EVERY 45 seconds, someone in the US has a stroke!
- Strokes account for 1 of every 16 deaths in the US!
These are The Facts! But there IS a way to PREVENT this dreaded disease! Stay tuned . . . . .
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