Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Are You Eating Right?

My son told me a joke.  I'm sure I won't get it perfect here but it goes something like this:  A man walked into a Doctor's office.  He had a cucumber stuck up his nose, a carrot in one ear, and a banana in the other ear.  He complained, "Doctor, can you tell me what is wrong with me?!"  The Doctor replied, "Of course, I can.  You're not eating right!"  Funny.  I know.  But true.  Most of what is wrong with every human can be summed up in that statement:  You're not eating right!  There are so many examples of people who have turned their health around simply by changing their eating habits.  And books, upon books, about their stories.  So why don't we believe it and change?  It's too hard.  It's not fun.  It's not pleasurable.  But that's where we're wrong.  It is work, but it is enjoyable.

That's one thing I love about the Daniel's Fast!  You eat right and it's enjoyable!  Every thing that I have cooked as evoked this response from my husband:  "This is sooo good!"  It's like it's a surprise every time.  And the next time we do this I promise I will take pictures of these things I'm cooking.  They are really pretty!  I'm surprised!  So, for this post, I'm going to tell you about some of the things I've been fixing.

Let me say this first, I think I'm finally coming through the detox stage.  I finally was able to go to sleep last night without my low back, hips and legs hurting.  Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!  I've thought about the fact that the Fast is 21 days, or 3 weeks.  There has got to be a significance to that.  I'm absolutely sure there is a spiritual significance but I think there is a physical one as well.  Every dietary law that God had in the Old Testament had to do with our health.  I mean, think about it, God made us.  He made our bodies to work how they work and He also knows what is good for us!  If you ever read the book The Maker's Diet you will find proof of this.  Now God allows us to eat other things but the Principle that should control even that is Moderation.  So.... the 3 weeks?  From my experience, on a physical level, the first week is detox and water loss.  The second week is repair or healing and the third week is regeneration or growth.  There obviously is some blurring of the lines of demarcation between weeks and what is happening in our bodies as individuals, but, basically, this is the process.

So what are we eating?  First, some treats that might make it easier for you.  I love peanut butter.  One of my favorite snacks is an apple with peanut butter.  This is an excellent snack for a diabetic so I eat it even when I'm not on a Fast.  However, just regular peanut butter is not what you need.  Regular peanut butter has sugar added and other things.  Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter is just that.  Natural.  Peanuts and salt.  Because it doesn't have all the preservatives and such, it does separate.  All you do is stir it up (a little difficult but make sure you get it all stirred up) and then store it in the fridge.  Awesome.  I know there are other brands but I like Smuckers the best.  And you can buy that in any grocery store.  Another store-bought item you can use is Tostitos Baked Corn Tortilla Chips.  Here again, you are Fasting.  Don't pig out!  Dried fruit is wonderful!  Stay away from dried cranberries (Craisins) because they have sugar added.  Raisins, Figs, Dates, etc. are all great.  Try to find unsulphured apricots.  Need something to add a little sweetness?  Date Honey is your answer.  This is not store-bought.  Here is the recipe:

1 cup pitted dates, 1 cup water, 1/2 tsp cinnamon
Pour dates and water into a small saucepan, making sure the dates are completely covered.  You may have to add more water.  Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat to low and simmer 45 - 60 minutes or until dates are very soft and broken down.  Allow to cool slightly, about 15 minutes.  Pour into a blender or food processor and puree until smooth.  Sprinkle in cinnamon and stir well.  Store in a sealed container in refrigerator.  Use in recipe, with sliced fruit, in oatmeal, etc.  Delicious!  Really.

Remember the book "The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel's Fast"?   That recipe is in it along with the recipes to these yummy items that we have cooked:  Banana-Fig Oatmeal with Almond Butter, Coconut Fig Bars, Black Bean Dip, Corn Muffins, Guacamole with a Kick, Tuscan Soup, Black Bean Chili Bake, and Chipotle Black Bean Burgers.   I have really enjoyed cooking during this time because my husband is pitching in and we are cooking together.....and cleaning up together!  What fun!

One note:  for those of you who have those in your household who are not participating in the Fast.  That can be difficult and can cause you some stress.  We have my uncle with us and he is not fasting.  He drinks his coffee (which doesn't really bother me) but when he toasts bread or pops popcorn that can be a little tough.  He is eating everything that we eat along with his "delicacies", which makes me have to pray a little harder at times.  Just a little.  Be encouraged.  Know that you are doing what is best for you and, if they partake of any of what you are preparing at all, at least they are getting something healthy. 

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