Tuesday, January 8, 2013

In The Throes of Detox

I must confess.  I wanted to title this post differently but I didn't want to be too shocking.  Suffice it to say, it would have been something like "Detox Hades".  I seem to be experiencing things sooner this time around than normal and I'm not really sure why that is.  Day 1 and 2 were the normal:  make sure there is bathroom close at all time (because I'm sure to be in there every hour or so), hunger pains and fatigue, to name just a few.  I struggle with making sure I drink enough water and I am sure that causes me quite a bit of grief.  I expected these first symptoms because I've experienced them before.  The night of Day 2 (last night) was a night to be remembered!

About 12:30 a.m. I awoke with an excruciating headache that made me feel like my head, neck, and upper shoulders were in a vise!  I tried to drink some water but could only manage a small amount.  I didn't want anything going into my mouth, much less my stomach.  Fortunately, I knew what was going on.  My body was responding just exactly like it was supposed to.  All of those toxins I'd been feeding it for months were letting go and releasing into my bloodstream and my body was screaming, "Stop!"  There is a point in long-term fasting of any kind where you will feel like you are in the battle of your life.  Thankfully, as I said before, I didn't want anything to eat or drink so I wasn't tempted to quit.  I know, from experience, things will get better.  So much better.

Misery does love company.  My husband was having a very restless night as well and we were both wide awake at 1:30 a.m.  And, being the sweetheart that he is, I got a good back and neck rub out of the deal.  We talked about what we were praying for in this fast and our goals for our lives.  I don't think I went back to sleep until about 4:00 a.m. and I'm not sure he ever did.  Our habit in the past when we couldn't sleep was to get up and go to work.  Working for yourself and from your home can make you do a lot of that type of thing.  I'm glad we resisted that urge.  Today has been a little rough because of the night but I'm expecting to sleep much better and for tomorrow, Day 4, to be much better.

I'm praying that, as I detox this body, that the increased prayer and study will detox my spirit as well.  What I really feel in my soul and spirit when I am going through these struggles is Hope.  Hope for the future.  Hope for better health to "spring forth speedily".  Hope for energy to do the things I need and want to do for God and my family.  And for others.  I'm thankful for that kind of Faith.  Eyes of faith that see beyond the struggle to what is to come.  And so, I'll stay strong even in the throes of Detox!

1 comment:

  1. I feel you. Days 1-2 were about the same for me. Day 3... I can describe it with one word, "Kaboom!". The headaches and overall body aches (especially my low back!) hit me like a ton of bricks. Hoping today is better. SO much to do, no time to feel this terrible.
